This Day in History: 1461-03-28
On the morning 28th March 1461, the second attack on Ferrybridge took place by the Lancastrian forces, under Lord Clifford and John, Lord Neville , (a younger brother of the 2nd Earl of Westmorland) with 500 men. The Yorkists were routed and fled to Pontefract Castle causing fear to spread through the Yorkist ranks assuming the Lancastrians were in close proximity. The Lancastrians were not following, however, but were defending the bridge. According to legend, in trying to dispel panic in the Yorkist ranks, the Earl Of Warwick , despite an arrow wound to the leg, slew his horse in front of the Yorkist army stating ‘let him fly that will, for surely I will tarrry with him that will tarry with me’. In the afternoon, Warwick led the Yorkist men back to Ferrybridge and with Lord Fauconberg outflanking the defending Lancastrians, by crossing the river at Castleford, the Lancastrian forces were defeated and Lords Clifford (by an arrow in the throat) and Neville killed.