This Day in History: 1483-06-24

On 24th June 1483, Earl Rivers, Lord Richard Grey, Sir Thomas Vaughan and possibly Sir Richard Haute were brought to Pontefract Castle prior to their execution the following day, on the orders of Richard III. Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers, wrote this poem knowing he was to die:

Sumwhat musyng, and more mornyng,
In remembring the unstydfastnes;
This world being of such whelyng,
Me contrarieng, what may I gesse?

I fere dowtles, remediles,
Is now to sese my wofull chaunce.
For unkyndness, withouten less,
And no redress, me doth avaunce,

With displesaunce, to my grevaunce,
And no suraunce of remedy.
Lo in this traunce, now in substaunce,
Such is my dawnce, wyllyng to dye.

Me thynkys truly, bowndyn am I,
And that gretly, to be content:
Seyng playnly, fortune doth wry
All contrary from myn entent.

My lyff was lent me to on intent,
Hytt is ny spent.  Welcome fortune!
But I ne went thus to be shent,
But sho hit ment; such is her won.