This Day in History: 1322-03-13
On 13th March 1322, the Calendar of the Fine Rolls (Edward II) noted:
‘Appointment during pleasure of Simon de Driby to keep the castle of Pontefract, late of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, which ought to come to the king’s hand by his forfeiture, together with the men and all goods and chattels found therein, when the castle shall have been taken into the king’s hand by Edmund, earl of Kent, the king’s brother, and John de Warenne, earl of Surrey, whom the king has appointed thereto ; so that he answer for the issues thereof and for the said goods and chattels in the chamber.
Order to the said earls of Kent and Surrey, as soon as they have taken the said castle, to deliver the same with the said goods and chattels to the said Simon by indenture to be made thereon.’